Sample Image
HEX: #ffffff
RGB: rgb(255,255,255)
HSL: hsl(0,0%,100%)

Image Color Picker

Need to pick a color from an image file?? Use this online tool. It gives you the ability to view the image colors at very granular level so that you could view all the color pixel details and pick the one that you need. This tool has the options to get the hex, rgb, hsl codes which will be copied to the clipboard when you click those fields. You can open the image file on your computer by clicking the "Choose file / Browse" button. Alternatively you can drag and drop the image files on this website to load them.

Everything happens on your browser. No data is sent to the server.

How to pick the color from image file using this tool?

  • Upload the image file using the "Choose file / Browse" button or drag and drop the image on this window
  • Hover on the image content and you will notice a plus (cross) mouse cursor which denotes that image area that want to pick
  • Click on the area where you need to pick the color from the image that you are interested in
  • The table on the right side will get loaded with area pixels where you have clicked
  • Click on the table cell with the color background which you need to pick
  • Click on Hex / RGB / HSL fields to copy the code to clipboard

What is a color code and what does it denote?

Color codes are a method for expressing a particular color using a combination of numbers and characters. These codes are often utilized in web design, graphic design, and programming, among other digital media types.

There are numerous varieties of color codes, such as:

  • RGB (red, green, blue) codes: These codes use a combination of three numbers to describe the ultimate intensity of each color. For instance, the code "255, 0, 0" represents a pure red color, whereas "255, 255, 255" represents white.
  • Hex (hexadecimal) codes: These codes indicate a color using a combination of six letters or digits. For instance, the code "#FFFFFF" represents white, while "#000000" represents black.
  • HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) codes: These codes use a combination of three digits to define the hue, saturation, and brightness of the color.
  • CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) codes are used in the printing industry to describe the percentage of each color in the final output.
  • HSB/HSV (hue, saturation, brightness/value) codes: Using a combination of three numbers, these codes define a color's hue, saturation, and brightness or value.

RGB (red, green, blue) codes

RGB (red, green, blue) color codes are a means to specify a certain color using three numbers. These values describe the saturation of the Red, Green, and Blue colors in the final output. Typically, the range of values for each color is between 0 and 255, with 0 representing the absence of that color and 255 representing its greatest intensity.

RGB color codes are based on the additive color model, which implies that the colors are combined to get the final hue. In this paradigm, red, green, and blue are the fundamental colors, and when mixed with varied intensities, they can form a vast array of colors.

For instance, the code "255, 0, 0" would indicate a pure red hue, which is obtained by having maximum red intensity with no green or blue colors present. Similarly, the code "0, 255, 0" would denote a pure green color, which is obtained by having the maximum green intensity with no red or blue colors present.

Web design, graphic design, and programming utilize RGB color coding frequently. Additionally, web browsers, graphic design applications, and the majority of contemporary display devices support them extensively. This facilitates correct color representation across multiple platforms and devices.

One of the benefits of adopting RGB color coding is that they enable a variety of color choices. By altering the intensity of each color, it is possible to generate distinct hues. Using the code "255, 182, 193" to make a pale pink color, for instance, mixes a high intensity of red with a low intensity of blue and green.

Hex (hexadecimal) codes

Hex color codes, often known as hexadecimal codes, are a technique to designate a specific color by combining six characters or digits. Typically, the letters used are A-F and the numerals are 0-9 Each letter or number pair represents the proportion of Red, Green, and Blue in the final outcome.

The six characters in a Hex color code reflect the two-digit hexadecimal values for the red, green, and blue components of the color, based on the RGB color paradigm. Each pair of letters or digits correlates to a value between 0 and 255 that represents the color intensity of the final product.

For instance, the code "#FFFFFF" would signify white, which is obtained by having the maximum amount of the hues Red, Green, and Blue. While the symbol "#000000" denotes black, which is accomplished by the absence of the hues Red, Green, and Blue, the code "#000000" denotes gray.

Web design, graphic design, and programming frequently make use of hex color codes. In addition, web browsers and graphic design applications support them extensively, making them a popular option among designers and developers.

Using various letter-and-number combinations, it is also possible to generate certain color tones. For instance, the code "#FF0000" indicates a pure red color, which consists of the maximum amount of red and the absence of green and blue. Similarly, the code "#00FF00" would signify a pure green color characterized by the absence of the colors red and blue.

HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) codes

HSL color codes are a means to specify a specific color using three integers. These numbers reflect the hue, saturation, and brightness of the color.

The hue value in HSL codes normally ranges from 0 to 360 and denotes the prevailing wavelength of light. The saturation value represents the color's purity and is normally expressed as a number between 0 and 100. Typically, the lightness value is represented as a number between 0 and 100, indicating the brightness of the color.

For instance, the code "120, 100, 50" would show a pure green color with hue value 120 (indicating green color), saturation value 100 (representing complete saturation), and lightness value 50. (representing a medium brightness). Similarly, the code "0, 0, 100" would show a pure white color with a hue value of 0 (representing no color), a saturation value of 0 (representing no saturation), and a lightness value of 100. (representing a maximum brightness).

The majority of modern online browsers, graphic design applications, and programming languages accept HSL color codes, making them a popular choice among designers and developers. It is a more straightforward method of describing colors since it allows the brightness and saturation of a color to be altered without affecting its hue.

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) codes

CMYK color codes are a method for expressing a color using a combination of four digits (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). These values indicate the proportion of each color in the final product. Because CMYK color codes are based on the subtractive color model, which is utilized for printing inks, they are mostly used in the printing sector.

The primary colors in the CMYK model are cyan, magenta, and yellow. By removing or absorbing differing amounts of light, these hues are employed to generate a vast spectrum of hues. Additionally, black is included as the fourth component to enhance the range of grays and deep blacks.

For instance, the code "0, 100, 100, 0" would indicate a pure yellow color, which consists of 100 percent yellow and no cyan, magenta, or black. Similarly, the code "100, 0, 0, 0" would indicate a pure cyan color, which consists of 100% cyan and no magenta, yellow, or black pigments.

The color space of most computer monitors is RGB, not CMYK, therefore the color representation on the final printed product may not be identical to how it appears on a computer screen. This is the reason why some colors may appear differently on paper than on a computer screen.

HSV/HSB (hue, saturation, value/brightness) codes

HSV/HSB color codes use a combination of three numbers to define a specific color. These numbers represent the hue, saturation, and value or brightness of the color.

The hue value in HSV/HSB codes corresponds to the prevailing wavelength of light and is commonly represented as a number between 0 and 360. The saturation value represents the color's purity and is normally expressed as a number between 0 and 100. The value/brightness value represents the color's intensity and is commonly expressed as a number between 0 and 100.

For instance, the code "120, 100, 100" would show a pure green color with hue value 120 (representing green color), saturation value 100 (indicating complete saturation), and value/brightness value 100. (representing a maximum intensity). Likewise, the code "0, 0, 0" would indicate a pure black color, which is achieved by having a hue value of 0 (representing no color), a saturation value of 0 (representing no saturation), and a value/brightness value of 0 (representing no value) (representing a minimum intensity).

HSV/HSB color codes are comparable to HSL color codes, however they express color intensity rather than lightness. This is beneficial for image processing applications where color intensity is essential.